Modupe Williams Odifa
Executive Director
Modupe Williams Odifa
Executive Director
I welcome you and your child to Manna Children’s Centre (MCC). Manna was established not out of a burning ambition to build a business but out of the genuine and understandable desire of families with children that need special care and quality child care.
We are committed to delivering the highest possible standards of quality child care and learning experiences for “EVERY CHILD MATTERS”.
Manna’s approach is to give substance and voice to the rights of all children and parents by promoting increasing awareness of the various special needs and to produce a culture of education and care, not just offer educational services.
MCC celebrates children with special needs and provide relief to the extraordinary families who love them, by providing boarding and weekend respite facilities.
MCC welcomes children between the ages 3 months -22 years.
Our Centre provides comfortable sleeping areas for safe and secure stay, with constant and watchful care.
At MCC we aim to help parents and Guardians understand:
– How to identify the various developmental delays.
– What special educational needs are and how they can be met.
– How to equip the child with basic life skills.
Children with special educational needs should get a broad well-balanced and relevant education, including an individualized educational plan but most importantly our focus is in the learning process itself.
We look forward to having your child in our warm, safe and caring environment where “EVERY CHILD MATTERS”